"A Year Without a Job" is a film that follows the journey of two modern women facing unemployment and everyday challenges. Da Yu meets Xiao Yu, a young woman who shares the same name and surname as her. Xiao Yu had quit her job out of boredom, leading to the two women living together. Throughout their year of joblessness, Da Yu explores new experiences guided by Xiao Yu, while Xiao Yu learns the importance of planning from Da Yu. As they decide to re-enter the workforce, Da Yu, aged 30, struggles with the corporate world's high demands and seeks alternative paths. Meanwhile, Xiao Yu discovers the value of hard work and gains recognition from her bosses. Through their interactions, Da Yu and Xiao Yu find purpose and fulfillment in both life and work. Explore the journey of these two women as they navigate the challenges of unemployment and personal growth in "A Year Without a Job."
Bình luận phim A Year Without a Job